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In order to remain or become a strong player in the automobile industry it is crucial to have streamlined business. Enterprise Resource Planning systems can obviously help achieve this goal and redefine greatly one’s company development. Bring the thought on ERP solutions implemented into your business process and there shall be no difficulties in overcoming inevitable industrial challenges such as high quality customer service, vendor, inventory and delivery management, marketing and labor efficiency.

AXPERTTM   – For Enterprises (ERP)

Axpert is an effective platform for large corporations to develop, maintain and extend their custom applications. Herethe applications can be built without deep coding and hence offers significant benefits like early go to market, quick and easy change management in just clicks. Axpert also helps in avoiding the risk of software application becoming a constraint to business. Instead, Axpert supports 'Agile' business. Most of the emerging business needs could not have been foreseen at any given point in time, Therefore Axpert enables business managers to remain on the top of any situation.

What Are The Benefits??

Agile Labs brings to you the most unmatched benefits of a flexible delivery platform and several man-years of experience in delivering the complex of complex solutions across business domains and geographies. Our project team members have a good background in the logistics space, and are competent enough to understand your business needs well and deliver to you the perfect quick solution.

In Business Organization

Axpert can support any number of business entities – holding companies, subsidiary companies etc. It is also possible to consolidate data across entities if it is planned during implementation. Axpert also supports various reporting dimensions,using which the data can be 'sliced and diced' while in process. Some of the commonly used dimensions are location, product, brand etc.

In Data Synchronisation

The ADE/ADR Sync suite in Axpert helps the businesses to expand and grow without worrying about low-bandwidth or not having dedicated internet connections – a significant constraint to doing business in Africa. The sync capability of Axpert also serves as a business continuity measure, the remote locations can continue functioning even if the central instance of the application is not accessible due to any reason.

Workflow – Driven Business Process Management

The workflow makes it possible to enforce business-wide standard processes,with the necessary checks and balances. Axpert has an inbuilt workflow engine using which the business managers can take decisions based on exceptions alone, allowing routine processes to run without any interruption,with the proper enforcement of flow at the same time.The managers need not worry about the unacceptable processes the cloud impacts revenues/profitability and consumer satisfaction.